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Department of Opthalmology


Department of Ophthalmology of MLB Medical College is a tertiary level eyecare centre and one of the best patient care facility serving the region of Bundelkhand. With the commitment to provide top tier medical education and cutting edge clinical services, the department boasts the team of highly qualified and experienced ophthalmologists, nursing staffs and advanced facilities.

The department operates OPD on all working days of week with emergency services available 24×7. The Department serves as the referral centre for all ophthalmic problems, providing medical and surgical treatments to Bundelkhand and neighbouring region. In OPD, we deal with numerous ophthalmic conditions such as glaucoma, cataract, dry eye, eye allergies, neuro-ophthalmic evaluation along with funduscopic examination in systemic conditions like diabetic mellitus, hypertension, retinitis pigmentosa etc. Outpatient department also provides services for refraction and minor surgical procedures with ROP screening of premature new borns.

In our department, we  perform cataract surgeries (Both phacoemulsification and SICS with PCIOL implantation), glaucoma surgeries such as Trabeculectomy / Surgical PI, Entropion & Ectropion correction surgeries, Pterygium excision with conjuctival autograft and mass excision, D.C.R surgery along with emergency corneo-scleral tear repair, Lid Laceration repair and foreign body removal under Ayushman Bharat Yojna, RBSK, NPCB and VI.

Department is equipped with updated diagnostic machines such as NCT ,OCT, perimetery, fundus photo camera and  YAG laser for posterior capsulotomy and peripheral Iridotomy.

The Department is imparting post graduate MS Ophthalmology of three years duration with undergraduate teaching and training of MBBS students.

Through a blend of academic rigor and pioneering research and community outreach programmes, the ophthalmology department of MLB Medical College continues to make significant strides in field of eye health care and education.


Dr Jitendra Kumar

Professor & Head

MS Opthalmology

61545 (UPMC)

Dr Naveen Sirohi

Associate Professor

MS Opthalmology

7823 (UPMC)

Dr Surabhi

Assistant Professor

MS Opthalmology

56561 (UPMC)

Dr Yashaswi Goynka

Assistant Professor

MS Opthalmology

104327 (UPMC)

List of Journals

S.No.Faculty NamePublication in Vancouver referencing styleIndexing System
1Dr. Jitendra KumarKumar J, Rao A, Tolia S, Clinical profile of the patient of fungal corneal ulser; A hospital based study;International journal of science and research; ISSN NO 2319-7064 ; VOL 12; Issue 06, june 2023.
Kumar J, Rao A, Tolia S, Amblyopia-Prevalence ,Risk factor and clinical profile in school going children in Bundelkhand region;Indian journal of applied research; ISSN NO 2249-555X, VOL 13,Issue 07 july 2023.
Kumar J, Rao A, Tolia S, A study on clinical profile of patients with firecracker-related ocular injury in emergency department of a tertiary care center  in Bundelkhand region; Indian journal of applied research; ISSN NO 2249-555X, VOL 13, Issue 07 july 2023.
Kumar J, Bala R, Singh N; Complcations of Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus;International Journal of scientific research; ISSN 2277-8179;Vol 12; Issue 8, August 2023
Kumar J, Bala R, Singh N; Clinical Profile of Retinoschisis At A Tertiary Eye Care Center in Bundelkhand Region;International Journal of scientific research; ISSN 2277-8179;Vol 12; Issue 8, August 2023
Kumar J, Bala R, Singh N; Clinical Profile of Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis At A Tertiary Eye Care Center In Bundelkhand Region;Original research Paper; ISSN 2249-555X; Vol 13; Issue 8, August 2023
Kumar J, Singh N, Bala R, A Study on causes  of cataract in presenile age group; A hospital based study;International journal of scientific research; ISSN NO 2277-8179, Vol 12 ,Issue 09 september 2023
Kumar J, Tolia S, Rao A; Demodex Blepharitis (Case Report);Indian Journal of Applied Research ; ISSN: 2320-5407, Vol11 Issue 04, Page 1395-1399; December 2023
Kumar J, Tolia S; Ocular Blunt Trauma In bundelkhand Region A Retrospective Study in Bundelkhand Region;International  Journal of Advance  Research(IJAR); Int. J.  Adv. Res. 12(03).848-852; ISSN No. 2320-5407; March 2024.
Kuamr J, Tolia S, Rao A; Morning Glory Syndrome: A Rare Entity;International  Journal of Advance  Research(IJAR); Int. J.  Adv. Res. 12(06), 829-832; ISSN No. 2320-5407; June 2024.
2Dr. Naveen SirohiKumar J, Sirohi  N, Jain A ; A clinical study of keratomycosis to compare the efficacy of topical 5% Natamycin with 10% Nacl Vs 5% natamycin alone as a treatment strategy;Asian journal of medical sciences; Sep 2023;Vol 14; Issue 9;E-ISSN:2091-0576; P-ISSN:2467-9100
Kumar J, Sirohi N, Khanna V; A prospective study of Effectiveness of Customized Toric Intraocular Lens Implantation Versus Standard Toric Intraocular Lens;Global Journal For Research Analysis; P-ISSN: 2277-8160. Vol. 11, Issue 02; Page No. 27-30; Feb. 2022
Kumar J, Sahai R, Sirohi N, Singh S; A prospective study of clinical and histopathological features of eyelid tumor;IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences; e-ISSN: 2279-0853, P-ISSN: 2279-0861. Vol. 20, Issue61, Ver. 2; Page No. 44-56; Jun. 2021
Sirohi N, Kumar J, Vats P; A Clinical and Optical Coherence Tomography Study of Coloboma in a Tertiary Health Care Centre of Uthar Pradesh;PJSR People’s Journal of Scientific Researh; Vol. 13, Issue 1; Page No. 35-41; Jan. 2020
Sirohi N, Kumar J, Kumar P; Compressive and Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy: A Comparative StudyPeople’s Journal of Scientific Research July 2017; Volume 10, Issue 2.
Kumar P, Sirohi N, Tiwari N; Thyroid Associated Orbitopathy (TAO): Effects of Medical And Surgical Treatments;IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS); Volume 16, Issue 7 Ver. I (July. 2017), PP 33-38
3Dr. SurabhiGupta R, Gupta S, Chauhan L;  Predicting visual outcome after open globe injury using classification and regression tree model: The Moradabed Ocular Trauma Study;Canadian Society Journal of Ophthalmology; Vol-10; No-1016; ISSN- 0008-4182; August 2018
Alam J, Bhattacharjya H, Roy A, Das R, Gupta S, Bhattacharya U, Debbarma D, Chatterjee M; A Comparative Study of Post Operative Astigmatism In Superior Versus Temporal Approach of Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery;Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 26, June 30 2014; Page 7087-7090
Ray A, Bhattacharjya H, Alam J, Das R, Gupta S, Bhattacharya U, Debbarma D, Chatterjee M; Retro-Bulbar Primary Non- Hodgkin’s Lymohoma: A Rare Case Report;Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 25, June 23 2014; Page 6947-6950
Gupta S, Khurana A; Comment on “Visual Outcomes and Prognostic Factors of Successful Penetrating Keratoplasty in 0- to 7- Year-Old Children With Congenital Corneal Opacities”;Cornea 38(4);e10;April 2019
Gupta R, Gupta S; Simultaneous Implantation of an Ahmed and Baerveldt Glaucoma Drainage Device for Uncontrolled Intraocular Pressure in Advanced Glaucoma: Comment;Journal of Glaurma; Vol.-27; Number 1; Jan. 2018
Gupta S, Maan V, Agarwal P; Diagnostic Criteria In Pediatric Intracranial Hypertension;Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 22(4); 2018;003
4Dr. Yashaswi GoynkaSaiyam A, Patel V, Shakya D, Goynka Y; Study of Central Corneal Thickness In Diabetics And Its Relation With Duration, Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy And Hyperglycemia Assessed By Glycosylated Hemoglobin;Indian Journal of Applied Research; Volume-12;Issue-08; August 2022; Print ISSN No.-2249-555X
Shakya D, Goynka Y; Clinical Study of Central Corneal Thickness In Diabetics And Non-Diabetics;Indian Journal of Applied Research; Volume-12;Issue-05; May 2022; Print ISSN No.-2249-555X
Saiyam A, Goynka Y, Mahor N; Fire Cracker Ocular Injury During Diwali Festival-A Preventable Ocular InjuryIndian Journal of Applied Research; Volume-12;Issue-08; August 2022; Print ISSN No.-2249-555X
Tantuway V, Nema P, Choyal V, Goynka Y, Varma P; Assessment of Anatomical & Functional Success In External Dacryocystorhinostomy By Air Bubble Test;IJMBS; Volume 3, Issue 9; September 2019; Page No 68-70; ISSN (online) : 2589-8698; ISSn ( Print): 2589-868X;
Supriya M, Goynka Y; Choroidal Melanoma:DOS Time; Volume 25; Number 6; May- June 2020.
Supriya M, Goynka Y; A Case of Congenital Deformity- Optic Disc Pit With Associated Maculopathy and Isolated Choroidal Coloboma;DOS Time; Volume 25; Number 2; September- October 2020.