Our speciality deals with epidemiology, research studies, and statistics and teaches the grammar of EBM and control and prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Multidimensional in its reach, it deals with vaccination, investigation of outbreaks and their control, screening which has the potential to change the course, outcome and even survival of patients. It equips HCWs with information on correct biomedical waste disposal and disaster management. It facilitates implementation of National program and also helps in their monitoring and evaluation. It also safeguards the occupational health and deals with the social causes of diseases. It plans and delivers healthcare for the society and also gives OPD services at their rural and urban training centres and play a big role in the years to come.
- Role during Covid pandemic:
- Quarantine services- as a department we played a key role in quarantine services, contact tracing,reporting and patient care.
- Our department actively managed the covid vaccination campaign vaccinating over 55,700people and specially safeguarding HCWs.
- Training conducted:
- CCHN-Our department had got the privilege to train the community health nurses under the certificate course in community health for nurses (CCHN) training program. Our department actively participated in the program so that the students acquire necessary skills and serve the community.
- CDR-Faculty members from our department participated in child death review (CDR) training.
- NBSU- Our department also attended the new born stabilisation unit (NBSU) training program.
- MIYCN-(Maternal infant and young child nutrition)training was organised by our department in which consultants, senior residents, junior residents and staff nurse of OBS and Gynaecology and Pediatric department participated.
- NTEP- Our department has got the privilege to train the doctors and paramedical personnel under National Tuberculosis Elimination Program.
- Upcoming projects- IMNCI training for medical officers.
- Role in National Programs:
- HBNC-Our department monitors HBNC program for Jhansi, Lalitpur,Jalaun and Hamirpur district.
- NTEP-Active participation in implementation of NTEP and conducting trainings under the same for our doctors and paramedical personnel.
- NVBDCP-Regular monitoring of VBDs and communicable disease under IDSP not only in premises but also in other places in coordination with CMO office.
- Coordination and cooperation with local health authorities for outbreak investigation in our district.
- Helpingimprovequality of health service deliveries by active participation of faculty in Kayakalp scheme.
- IEC activities on various days of public health importance like World AIDS Day, World mental health day, World hepatitis day etc. in the form of rallies, skits, poster competition.
- IEC activities during Family Adoption Program to help improve health of community.
- Role in College:
- Inter-departmental coordination with other departments in the college to improve quality of Research and undergraduates and postgraduates teaching.
- Running OPD services in RHTC AND UHTC.
- Organizing health camps.

Dr Shobha Chaturvedi
Associate Professor & Head
MBBS, MD (Community Medicine)
DiPGO (Diploma in Gaynae and Obs)
Reg No.- 38398

Dr. Vimal Arya
Associate Professor(on Attachment)
MBBS,MD (Community Medicine)
Reg. No. -56265

Dr. Mehar Bano
Associate Professor
MBBS,MD (Community Medicine)

Dr. Sudha Sharma
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
MBBS,MD (Community Medicine),
DGO (Diploma in Gynae & Obs)
Reg. No. -56166

Biostatistician cum Assistant Professor (Contractual)
M.Sc., M.phil, Ph.d(Pursuing)
S.No. | Faculty Name | Title | Journal Name |
1 | Dr. Shobha Chaturvedi | Strengthening sub centre for universal health coverage: A Study | The National Medical Journal of India Vol.28 No.4 July-Aug 2015 |
Progress towards Millennium Development Goals with women empowerment | Indian Journal of Community Health Jan-Mar 2016 Vol.28 Issue No.1 | ||
Comparative study on morbidity pattern among adolescent schoolgirls in rural and urban school of Jhansi | International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health 2018 Vol.7 Issue No. 5 | ||
Workplace violence against resident doctors: A multicentric study from government medical colleges of Uttar Pradesh | Indian Journal of Public Health Apr-June 2019 Vol.63 Issue No.2 | ||
Risk Assessment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus using Indian Diabetes Risk Score : A Cross Sectional Study on Medical Health from Tertiary Care Hospital | Indian Journal of Academic Research May July 2021 | ||
2 | Dr.Vimal Arya | A Study on Prevalence of Tobacco Among Rural Aged 15 Years and above and their knowledge and Anti- Tobacco measures under COTPA 2003 in District Jhansi. | Indian Journal of Applied Research /Volume-11/Issue-10/October-2021 |
Adverse events of the covid vaccine in tertiary care centre in Bundelkhand region ; An observational study. | Indian Journal of Applied Research /Volume-12/Issue-03/March-2022 | ||
A cross sectional study on awareness about cancer screening methods for breast and cervical cancer in women of reproductive age from Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. | International journal of community medicine and public health/volume-10/issue-2/February-2023 | ||
Delay in healthcare seeking, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with tuberculosis: A cross sectional study. | Asian Journal of Medical Sciences/Volume-14/Issue-7/July-2023 | ||
Prevalence of obesity and overweight and factors associated with it among medical students of Bundelkhand region. A cross-sectional study. | Asian Journal of Medical Sciences/Volume-14/Issue-10/Oct-2023 | ||
3 | Dr. Mehar Bano | A Study on Awareness about HIV/AIDS among School Going Adolescent Girls (14-19 years) of Kanpur Nagar. | UCMS- Journal of US-China Medical Sciences |
A Profile of Menstrual Abnormalities and Hygienic Practices during Menstruation among School Going Adolescent Girls (14-19 years) of Kanpur. | Indian Journal of maternal and child health (IJMCH) | ||
Awareness About Family Planning Methods Among School Going Adolescent Girls (14-19 years) of Kanpur Nagar. | Indian Journal of preventive and social medicine (IJPSM) | ||
Pattern of Tobacco Use and Knowledge Regarding HIV/AIDS Among The National Cadet Corps (NCC) Youths of The Kumaun Region in The State of Uttarakhand. | Indian Journal of preventive and social medicine (IJPSM) | ||
Effect of Age and BMI on PEFR in Indian Population. | Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology (IJPP) | ||
4 | Dr. Sudha Sharma | Health system determinants of gestational diabetes mellitus screening of pregnant patients in public health facilities of district Jhansi: A cross sectional study. | International journal of community medicine and public health/volume-9/2022 |
Factors influencing Adherence to Anti-retroviral Therapy in HIV Patients Registered at ART Center Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. | Natl J Community Medicine /2022 | ||
A cross sectional study on awareness about cancer screening methods for breast and cervical cancer in women of reproductive age from Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. | International journal of community medicine and public health/volume-10/issue-2/February-2023 | ||
Missed and lost to follow up cases in HIV Positive patients and the impact of lockdown during covid-19 pandemic on adherence to anti -retroviral therapy at ART Center Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. | Indian J Community Health /2023 | ||
5 | Mrs. Bharti | Knowledge and attitude on biostatistics in medical curriculam among medical student | International journal of community medicine and public health |
Prevalence of Anaemia in Women of Reproductive age Group Attending a Tertiary care hospital of Uttar Pradesh | Journal of Evaluation of Medical and Dental Sciences, Original Research Article | ||
Study of Social Stigma among Tuberculosis patients from western Uttar Pradesh | International Journal of Advanced Community Medicine |