The Department has Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor (Sanctioned) at present along with six demonstrators and other non-teaching supporting staff. This department thrives for maintaining the high standard of teaching for building useful competency in medical students; towards this end, we make effort to develop case scenario based problem solving skills and monitor the same through serial formative assessment and summative assessment scheme. The Department is also committed for delivering the quality patient care through establishment of the state-of-the-art laboratory facility (CPL-Clinical biochemistry). The faculty members are enterprising for taking up research activities related to basic biomedical research with translational potential. At present all the faculty members are involved in research on medical education. The department is also conducting summer training of M.Sc. Biochemistry students coming from different central/state Universities. The faculty members are also involved in teaching for B.Sc. nursing and DMLT/BMLT courses.


Dr. Prabhakar Singh Bais
(On Attachment)
M.Sc. Ph.D.(Medical Biochemistry
Associate Professor & Head

Dr. Chanchal Garg
M.Sc. Ph.D.(Medical Biochemistry
Associate Professor & Head
Research work and publications
S.N. | Faculty name | Publication in Vancouver referencing style | Indexing system |
1 | Dr. Prabhakar Singh Bais | Kulshreshtha A, Bais PS. Comparison of Interlukins Level in People with Metabolic Syndrome and Those Who Don’t Seem to Have Any Health Issues. Int. J. Trop. Med.,2023;18:39-42 | EMBASE |
2 | Dr. Prabhakar Singh Bais | Kulshreshtha A, Bais PS. Zinc, Copper and Their Transporters Were Studied in Relation to HIV Infection Using a Case Control Analysis. Res. J. Pharm.,2023;17:1-4. | EMBASE |
3 | Dr. Prabhakar Singh Bais | Chauhan P, Agarwal L, Agarwal A, Bais PS. Identification and Sensitivity Pattern of Various Uro-Pathogens In Northern Part of India. JCDR.,2023;14:379-384. | EMBASE |
4 | Dr. Chanchal Garg | Mahat RK, Rathore V, Singh N, Singh N, Singh SK, Shah R, Garg C. Lipid profile as a indicator of COVID-19 severity: A systematic review ad meta-analysis. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN., 2022;45:91-101. | Pubmed |
Medical Education Training/ Research methodology
Dr. Prabhakar Singh Bais | 1-Revised Basic Course in Medical Education (1-3 March 2023) 2-Basic Course in Biomedical Research (3rd cycle August 2021) 3-CISP-I (19-21 July 2019) |
Dr. Chanchal Garg | 1-Basic Course in Biomedical Research (5th cycle March 2022) |