The Department of pharmacology has set immense goals to provide Skill, Knowledge, Attitude based learning (AETCOM) to train Under Graduates and post graduates under CBME based curriculum. The department is accomplished to deal with:
- Integrative Learning of pharmacology for Under Graduate and Post graduate Medical students. (lectures/SDL)
A. Case Studies: Teaching-learning, how to Apply pharmacological knowledge to clinical cases. Work through patient scenarios to make informed drug choices and management plans.
B. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: teaching how pharmacologists, physicians, and other healthcare professionals collaborate to optimize patient care - Demonstration of Clinical pharmacology, Pharmacy preparations and Experimental
Pharmacology. Demonstrations of CAL (Computer Assisted Learning) in
Experimental Pharmacology. - UG and P.G. Seminar/PG Journal Clubs/ PG Thesis Writing / Microteaching/ guest lectures.
- Hands on trainings through mannequins. OSCE/ OSPE training, through skilled laboratory.
- Assessment and Evaluation:
A. Quiz
B. Regular assessments: Both External and Internal Examinations to test knowledge and understanding of pharmacological principles.
- Department has designated MD pharmacology degree to more than 15 post graduate students and PHD degree to 3 students till now.
- Principals (Head of Institution) Dr. R.K. shrivastava, Dr. D.N. Prasad, V.K. Kulshreshtha, S.K. Bapat and Dr Sadhna Kaushik were consecutively selected from the pharmacology department.
- Department got Permitted for establishment of Pharmacovigilance, ADR monitoring centre in maharani laxmi Bai medical college in 13 December 2022 by Indian pharmacopoeia commission (IPC), National coordination Centre (NCC)- Pharmacovigilance programme of india (PvPI) Ghaziabad. Permitted for data collection for Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance and Biovigilance.
- ADR monitoring training associated with patient’s safety and pharmacovigilance week programme.
- Department conducts Project works/activities time to time-
- Dosage forms of drugs by collecting disposed or expired drugs.
- Demonstrating role of drugs by different route of drug administration using innovatively designed mannequins.
On going projects:
- Current trends in antimicrobial susceptibility and empiric antibiotic therapy in urine and blood infection in ICU at tertiary care hospital.
- Post- adverse drug reaction monitoring on rational drug prescribing pattern with their cost effective analysis in general and specialised medical conditions in patients at tertiary care hospital.
- To evaluate the efficacy, safety and pharmacoeconomics of oral itraconazole and terbinafine in combination with topical luliconazole in tinea patients.
- Self Medication and use of over the counter drugs among residents of Jhansi- A study conducted in Maharani Laxmi Bai medical college jhansi UP.
- “Prevalence and Awareness towards management of Post COVID depression among medical students at tertiary care hospital in Jhansi (U.P.).”


Sr. No | Faculty Name | Publication in Vancouver Referencing style | Indexing system |
01 | Dr. Sadhna Kaushik Professor- Pharmacology | 1. MauryaMeenakshi (1)KaushikSadhna(2)SrivastvaNeeraj(2)VermaDeepakK2Parihar Renu(2). An open label, randomized, comparative study of antiscabietic drugs permethrin, gamma benzene hexachloride and ivermectininpatientsofuncomplicatedscabiesinbundelkhand region, AcceptedinInternationalJournalofPharmacologyandClinicalSciences IJPCS 2014,116,ISSN:2278-0068 2. SikkaPranav1, KaushikSadhna2, KapoorSeema3, SainiManish1, SaxenaKK. Evaluation of ant nociceptive / analgesic activity of SSRI ( Fluxetine and escitaloprm) and atypical antidepressants (venlafaxine and mirtazapine) : An experimental study. Int J NutrPharmacol Neurol Dis 2012, 2:223-8 3. Sikka Pranav1, KaushikSadhna2, KumarGyanendra2, KapoorSeema3, BindraV. K.4 and SaxenaK. K. Study of antinociceptive activity of SSRI (fluoxetine and escitalopram) and atypical antidepressants (venlafaxine and mirtazepine) and their interaction with morphine and naloxone in mice. Journal of Pharmacy & Bio Allied Sciences, 2011 September Vol3/Issue 3, ISSN 0976-4879 4. ChitmeH R ,Chandra R2, Kaushik S3. Evaluation of analgesic activity of Calotropis gigantea extract in vivo. Asia pacific journal of pharmacology, 2006,16 ; 157-62 5. ChitmeH. R.1,*, ChandraRamesh2and KaushikSadhna3. Evaluation of antipyretic activity of Calotropis gigantea (Asclepiadaceae) in experimental animals, Phytotherapy Research, 2005 May, Volume 19, Issue 5, pages 454–456, ISSN: 1099-1573 6. ChitmeH R ,Chandra R2, Kaushik S3.Studies on anti-inflammatory activity of Calotropis gigantea in experimental animals. Asia pacific journal of pharmacology 2005 ; 16 ; 41-46 7. ChitmeH. R.1,*, ChandraRamesh2and KaushikSadhna3. Studies on anti-diarrhoeal activity of Calotropis gigantea R.Br. in experimental animals. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2004 February 25, 7(1):70-5 8. kaushikAnil, SharmaV.K, KaushikSadhna and KumarRamesh. Malarial placental infection and low birth weight babies. Dis.1992, 24 -2 ; 65-69 9. KaushikSadhna, SharmaV.V and KulshresthaV.K. Comparative biochemical and haematological study of mefenamic acid and some non steroidalanti inflammatory drugs. Indian Journal of pharmacology,1987,19 ; 94-99 10. Kaushik Sadhna, SharmaV.V and KulshresthaV.K. Comparative biochemical and haematological study of mefenamic acid and some non steroidalanti inflammatory drugs. Indian Journal of pharmacology, 1987, 19 ; 94-99 11. PrasadD N,GuptaR,KaushikSadhna, KulshresthaV K. Pharmacological studies on metoclopramide. Indian J Med Res1985 November, 82, pp 463-467 12. KaushikSadhna, SharmaV.V , KulshresthaV K, PrasadD N. Comparative pharmacology of tromaril with other common non steroidalanti inflammatory agents. Indian J Med Res, 1985 June, 81, pp 621-625. 13. KaushikSadhna1, SrivastavaNeeraj , KumarVinay3,Changing pattern of cutaneous adverse drug reaction,J. Evolution Med. Dent. 2018 june 04, Vol. 7/ Issue 23, Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748 14. RatmaleRajni, KaushikSadhna, AgarwalMandavi, GoelMani,SinghHari Naryan, KumarVinay, Current trends in pharmacological treatment of type 2 diabetes Mellitus in tertiary care centre in bundelkhand region, international journal of scientific research, 2022 May, Volume – 11 | Issue – 05, Print Issn No. 2277 – 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr. 15. AryaVimal, KumarVinay, KauhsikSadhna, SengarNarendra Singh, Adverse events of the covid vaccine in tertiary care centre in bundelkhand region: an observational study, indian journal of applied research, 2022 March, volume – 12, issue – 03 . Print issn no 2249 – 555x | doi : 10.36106/ijar 16. KaushikSadhna, AhmedFaheem1, Madhurmay2 and GoelMani1, Analysis to detect rifampicin resistance in previously treated sputum negative pulmonary tuberculosis patients by cbnaat under rntcp. June 2021. | |
02 | Dr. Mani Goel Associate Professor & HOD Pharmacology | 1. Sharma Sanjeev, Goel Mani. Drug utilization study in pelvic inflammatory disease in a teaching hospital in north India. IJPRBS; Volume 2(4): 152 -167.2013 2. Bhattacharya Ijen, Kumar Anoop, Gupta Akash, Yasmin Tabassum, Ahmad Naved,Goel Mani. Comparison of urinary protein creatinine index in normal and heavy exercise performing individuals.International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 2014; Vol 3 (8): 986-989. 3. Bisht Himanshu, Goel Mani, TandonAshutosh, SrivastavaAmit, SolankiSohel. Differential Criteria to Evaluate Parasite (Plasmodium) and Bacteria (Salmonella) for Diagnosis of Malaria and Typhoid Fever. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research, Vol 1 (3): 291-294. 4. Goel ManiandKumar Anil. Susceptibility of Pathogens Associated with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease to Antimicrobial Agents in Western U.P. India.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, 2015; Vol 4(7): 192-198. 5. Goel Mani, Rawat Neelam. Investigation of Outpatients Prescribing Pattern of Antidiabetic Drugs in Type -2 Diabetic Patients- A Study Conducted At A Tertiary Care Hospital. IOSR-JPBS. Mar -Apr. 2015; Volume 10 (2): 26-30 6. Chopra VS, Goel Mani, Jyoti Batra, Kavita Dhar, Jyotsna Sharma. Liver Toxicity in HIV – Infected Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy That Includes HIV – I sProtease Inhibitors. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences. Volume 11, Issue 4 Ver. IV (Jul. – Aug.2016), PP 99-103 7. Amit Mittal, Monica Sharma, Abhinav David, PinkiVishwakarma, Manish Saini, Goel Mani, K. K. Saxena. An experimental study to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of moringa oleifera leaves in animal models.International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology | February 2017 | Vol 6 | Issue 2 Page 1-6. 8. Pandey Neerjesh, Rajkishore Singh, Hitesh Mishra, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Goel Maniand ParthSoni. An evaluation of pre-emptive analgesia in patients undergoing minor surgical procedures by administering pentazocine, fentanyl and tramadol as pre-operative analgesics and ketorolac as postoperative analgesic – a comparison using ketorolac as standard drug.Vol 6, Issue 6, 2017. 9. Chopra VS, Goel Mani, Jyoti Batra3, Jyotsna Sharma4 and Kavita Dhar4. Antiretroviral Therapy that Includes, Protease Inhibitors – Induced Hepatotoxicity: A Review. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 910-916. 10. Gupta Shubhanshu, Goel Mani. Objective structured practical examinations as a formativeassessment tool in community medicine.International Journal of Scientific Research.Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018 , 274-275. 11. Chopra VS, Goel Mani.analysis of drug induced liver injury in HIV patients associatedwith protease inhibitors- a prospective study at tertiary carehospital. International Journal of Scientific Research .Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018 478-479 12. Mani Goel, ShubhanshuGupta,Health care cost of depression in primary patient care in North India: A pharmacoeconomic study. 2018 13. Goel Mani, Chopra VS, Roma Goyal3, Anil Kumar4, Shubhanshu Gupta5. Hepatotoxicity in HIV infected patients with HBsAg and Anti-HCV antibodies receiving Antiretroviral therapy containing protease Inhibitors. International Journal of Medicine Research. Volume 4; Issue 2; Page No. 01-04.; April 2019 14. Goel Mani, Chopra VS. Evaluation of liver enzymes in patients receivingantiretroviral therapy containing protease inhibitors. Volume-9 (4): 1-2.April-2019. 15. Sadhna Kaushik, Faheem Ahmed1., Madhurmay2 and Mani Goel1Analysis to detect rifampicin resistance in previously treated sputum negative pulmonary tuberculosis patients by cbnaat under rntcp. June 2021. 16. Goel Mani.Morbidity profile and its relationship with disability and psychological distress among community elderly in rural areas of Madhya Pradesh.2021 17. RatmaleRajni, KaushikSadhna, AgarwalMandavi, GoelMani,SinghHari Naryan, KumarVinay, Current trends in pharmacological treatment of type 2 diabetes Mellitus in tertiary care centre in bundelkhand region, international journal of scientific research, 2022 May, Volume – 11 | Issue – 05, Print Issn No. 2277 – 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr. 18. VermaArpit,Goel Mani. The study of free radicals to evaluate the healing effects of PUNICA GRANATUM PEEL on acetic acid – induced colitis in rats.2022 19. Goel Mani.Propofol and desflurane Anaesthetic agents comparision for short elective surgery. March 2023. |